Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not a bad morning so far. A lite wave of nausea earlier but not enough to take anything for it. The doctor (Nurse Practitioner actually) refilled my Tramadol/pain and Promethazine/nausea. Night before last was horrible but last night wasn’t too bad. I am hoping I am on the down side of this nausea episode. Not quite 2 week this time. I am grateful for the end of it.
I have an appointment with the surgeon this afternoon. I think he’ll suggest swallowing a camera pill this time. This seems to be baffling everyone. Only one doctor has said ‘Sounds to me like Crohn's to me!’ but he didn’t write it down in the report! Always people, and I mean ALWAYS get a copy of your medical records after EACH visit! They may have to mail it to you and some even charge per page but you need this. Read it and make sure the are hearing what your saying to them. The way they word your chart makes a difference in how you are treated. TRUST ME!

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