Saturday, March 14, 2009


Hadn't had a movement since the last time I was here until yesterday. The meds for my sunis infection has stopped me up even more than my normal pebbles. The free clinic started me on another round of anti-biotics…the 3rd in 6 months! They DON"T relive the inflammation in my bowls and haven't made much of a change in my lymph nodes either! I Didn’t bother to read the paper that came the the pills given me last Thursday at the free clinic. I stopped taking them yesterday when I read IF YOU HAVE COLITIS DON’T TAKE CIPROFLOXACIN!!!
I truly appreciate the folks at the free clinic and all they give/do for folks but the Doctors rotate and volunteer. They don’t have time to review the persons chart and really THINK about what may help/happen or why they’ve been in before. AAfter waiting for 3to4 hours to see them I forget to remind whoever sees me what my ailments and allergies are. They area understandably in a hurry as they are set up to see about 30 people and they often see twice that. Dr Bell who runs the clinic as much told me I was wasting his time. My condition is chronic and there’s not much known that will change it.” I have other people to see that are sick, what do you what me to do for you?” He said. I did have swollen neck lymph nodes at the time, something that happens a lot really. I puff up and look likes a chipmunk. He said I have an infection and gave me anti-biotic (that was the second round). I still 2 days after I stopped that round I came down with the sinus cold/infection that has lasted 2 weeks and I passed on to Richard. I’ve been sleeping on the couch so as not to get it back until he is over it. He NEVER gets sick and this has him wiped out. No diherria or constipation for him…that’s my special little treat.
Yesterday morning I sat on the toilet foe 24 minutes in pain trying to free my colon of the crap that has solidified in my intestines for the last week or more. Pain but finally 3 tiny pebbles then a (small) boulder. I broke out in a cold sweat and had to go lay down but it was a triumph!
More prune juice and fiber. I live on prune juice and fiber these days but the results are better than exlax. With that type of stool softener reacts triple and I have to stay away from them. Just like the anti dirreals. If I take them unsteady of just stopping the diarrhea I am blocked for weeks. No thank you, NOT worth It.
Explained to Richard how we’d have to reach in and relieve impacted bowls for an elderly patient I had in the ‘80s when I was nursing. He wasn’t up for the tack needless to say. But we had a chuckle. And he did the happy dance this morning when the 3rd jar of prune juice started to work and about a dozen medium pebbles plopped in the potty without too much pain. Nothing like yesterday.
My back pain is easing and though I am nauseated I am looking forward to more trips to the bathroom this afternoon…at least it feeling like something is moving in there again.
Funny, I eatither pray I never see have to leave a pair of undies in the ladies room again, or I am praying for poop! Glad God isn’t easy to confuse.

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