Saturday, March 14, 2009


December 11, 2006, 12:39 PM
Fixed Richard breakfast and had a bite my self (2 small pancakes for me). I started hurting before I had my dish to the kitchen sink. spasms off and on with a little pebble poop. Then major pain/spasms. Been two hours now and I just had a large painful bowel movement. It wasn’t hard, rather soft, not like the pebbles. I haven’t had a spasm for the last 15 minutes since then but I feel wiped out.

Last wee was a blur of constipation and pain. I hate sitting down and writing this everyday. Why dwell on things we can’t change sort of feeling. Yet I want it documented. I want people to understand what it’s like to live like this. Hope that doesn’t sound whiney. I am not a whiney, poor me kind of person.
Took a friends 5 year old with me to Wal-Mart. We had eaten about an hour before. I had to race to the bathroom 3 times in the 20 minutes we were there. Little Stevens was. ‘Gosh Deb, if you have to go that much you need to learn to go to the boys bathroom’ (he is just at the age where he isn’t happy going to the ladies room but I am not about to leave him alone so he puts up with me). We were going to go to the park but I was feeling bad so we went back to his fathers house to watch a video. I felt like I had to have a bowl moment but couldn’t. A boulder here and there and colon spasms like you would not believe. Like sever labor pains in your intestines.
I went to the free clinic Thursday evening. It’s a long three hour plus process but it’s all I have. The Doc gave me antibiotics for the lymph node swelling in my throat. I woke up and looked like I had 2 extra chins for 3 days. Swelling is down a bit but the meds make me constipated so I am flooding my self with water and fiber. I feel bloated now but had an almost normal poop yesterday. Then woke up at 4:30 am with ‘got to go now’ pain and had a bit of a movement . Quite colon since then save a few cramps this afternoon.
The Doctor told me again there’s is not much they can do for Crones/Colitis. He gave me a script for another type of pain reliever but I don’t have the money yet to get it filled. And Potassium pills too. I can get that over the counter.

Laying down sometimes is all that seems to work some days. When I lay down the nausea isn’t as bad and the pain eases a bit.
Still swollen in the throat today but it’s my butt that hurts the worse. Stabbing pains like every hemorrhoid every seen is trying to come through.. Have been nauseated most of the week and had several poop explosions after a lot of painful boulder/pebble days. Felt like I was going to faint a few time while sitting on the stool. Sometimes after an explosion I break out into a cold sweat and feel weak and faintish. I hate that. I hate all of this. I have 2 friends dying of Cancer, I have no right to really complain. This won’t go away really but, I am alive. I know I will hug my grandchildren again.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
No poop for the last few days. Thankfully not much pain. I made it through the holidays without letting the nausea spoil it. LOTS of pain this morning when it took 20 minutes on the stool for a pound of pebble poop to pop out. That was at 7am this morning. It’s 9:30 now and I am recovering from a horrible 15 minutes of pain then explosive diarrhea. I feel wiped out. Hope this isn’t a prelude for the day.

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