Saturday, March 14, 2009

Getting up to date now

Friday, March 13, 2009

And here we go again! Lost the last 3 days to nausea. Now the pharmacy called and said the doc has to see me before I can get my script refilled. The same medicine I’ve been taking for the last 5 years mind you. Only now I have to pay $80.00 for an office visit just to ask for my $20.00 prescription. Add to this the fact that I’ve been trying to update my blog on yahoo and AGAIN lost my post so I am now going to have move my online journal somewhere else. GRRRRRRRRR! I am tired of not being able to complete a project without having to stop and fight back the frickin waves of nausea!
I bend over to wipe a kitchen shelf and feel like I am compressing my belly. Raise up and whap! Nausea title wave hits like a bat smackin the grand slam, game winning run out of the ballpark. Fighting the lump in my throat now writing this. I’ve been in bed 2 days and don’t want to make it a 3rd! I AM TIRED OF THIS!
I can kick myself in the ass each time I feel a pity party coming on. There are so many in the world with afflictions that make my ailments seem like a blessing. What room have I to bitch! Still, dear God, I am tired of it!

1:13 PM
Sinus draining making my throat tickle bringing on coughing and then, dry heaves. Hate this, did I mention?

11, 2009 
Bad wanna puke day!
Nausea hit hard last night. I was ok the first 10 minutes this morning then the waves hit and keep coming. Out of my medicin and no money for refills don't help.
I got the Crohn's moan and groan blues. I know there's a song for this out there. Written by Negative Nausea Ned and his gal pal Dreary Darlene Diarrhea published by Pitiful Painful Paul!
The perfect trio to pen Crohn's national anthem! No need to stand and salute while it's playing. (More like bend over with cramping pain or run to the bathroom, crapping again would be a salute understood!)
God bless us one and all!

March 09, 2009 Boy did I over sleep! Up at 6:30am to pee. Laid back down for a bit and woke up looking at the clock screaming at me, 'It's 10:30 you lazy fool!'. Felt tired but ok until a few minutes ago. Drinking a glass of herbal tea and the nausea hit. Odd, it often happens after my first (try) bowl movement of the day. (Again folks, sorry for the graphic detail. I open this to the public knowing someones out there with the same intestinal trouble, suffering alone. Well, your not alone dear one.) Often it's not long after that potty call, the nausea seems to hit. It's not bad today. Like an annoying lump in my throat but not to the point of taking a pill for it. Gonna stop typing for now so I don't dwell on it and make it worse. Often, if I try to ignore the nausea/pain, I don't notice the severity of it. Sort of 'out of sight out of mind' kinda thing.
Ta Ta For Now!

evening, March 08, 2009 Woke up about 2:30am Friday with bad nausea and fought it the rest of the night/morning until the test. Couldn't take any med's becuse of the test and was pukeing foam while Richard turned the heater in the bathroom on for me. Takeing a shower was a hassel, trying to fight back the wave of dry heaves but nothing like the drive to the hospital. If you ever get motion sickness, equate this to being on a sail bost in high winds, in a single engine plane on a breezy day AND the feeling of being in a life raft holding oh tight as the walls of waves hit from the sinking Titanic! COMBINED! Then, I am asked to drink a quart of kindergarden paste they think tastes like a pina colada and wait for an hour and 1/2 till the rest of the test.
Came home and tried to sleep it all away.
Saturday and Sunday I had to take care of little Steven. He wasn't feeling up to his full 7 year old super hero capacity himself so it was am easy weekend through what pain there was.

March 05, 2009 I was ok for the most part. No major pain even when I had some crackers and peanut butter for a bit about 2pm. A lite wave of nausea hit but no biggie.
Had rice n green beans with a bit of pork steak. Had to spit out in mid chew when a big wave of nausea hit. That was the end of dinner! didn't puke but I'll go lay down now. Even walking from room to room can be like motion sickness. Happy thoughts about tomorrow and the hospital test. Hate racking up more bills when I am out of work. What choice do I have?

for March 04, 2009 Was ok after about an hour n half of cramping. Finished sweeping/ mopping the floor but have yet to finishe the dishes ( I hate doing silverwear. I don't know why but I HATE it. I can have all the dishes, pots n pan scrubbed and put away, then walk away from all the silverwear that hasn't been touched. Odd, but true) Was going to go in and try the silverwear after listening to the 5:30pm news, and a wave of nausea hit. Not in the mood to even think of cooking dinner now. Another bowl of beans. Poor Richard.

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