Saturday, March 14, 2009


Ah the daily potty log. Sorry I didn’t get the first one through spell check. Wasn’t feeling well and didn’t even think of it until I hit the enter button. Yesterday was ruff. Ran errands for and elderly friend .Pooped twice at the store waiting for a key to be made (about a 10 minute time period) then as I pulled out of the lot I had to run across the street to Mc D’s to poop again. Almost didn’t make it and had to leave my dirty undies wrapped in paper towels in the trash can. Frank lives maybe 5 miles from town, I barely made it to his driveway and almost ran over his son running to the bathroom again. I would have pulled off the dirt road and gone in the woods but there was a car all the way behind me.
Last night in bed it felt as if all my guts had liquefied and there was a su na me brewing in my intestine. The tramadol didn’t touch the spasms but took the edge off a bit. Enough for the two bennadryl to let me snooze some. I got up twice with the feeling I’d better hurry to the bathroom with no results when I got there.
Today I WANT to poop…but only pebbles pop out if anything at all. I don’t know which is better/worse. Profuse diherria or no poop at all. Wish I had the perfect S poop like Dr. Oz on the O show says you should have. That hasn’t happened in months. I am looking forward to a few good weeks in a row. My energy level in nil. It’s depressing.

Wish I could poop. Have that too full feeling. Bloated. Butt hurts. I want to clean the kitchen and maybe bake some holiday bread for the neighbors who helped with the grass fire last spring. Back hurts from wanting to poop, I’ll work through it. Hate to be a thug all day. Don’t want to eat but I can feel my sugar level swirling….peanut butter will curb that.

December 10, 2006, 9:53 AM

Woke up at 5:30 to rumbling and sat for 15 minutes waiting for the pellet poop to stop. Yesterday day was a good day. No poop and only a few bad spasms every here and there.
I wasn’t feeling like sitting at the computer last week so I wrote down the daily happenings and will transfer them to the computer and blog.


Rea had emergency surgery and I went to pick up Smoke her Artic Wolf to stay with us. No poop save a few pebbles this morning. Can’t sleep because of tummy gurgling. It feels as if I’ll have the runs any minute. When I get up to go…nothing. Going to be a long night .


Up at 6:30 and couldn’t dear eat before the trip to see Rea in the VA hospital (about 60 miles away). Glad Therese is driving because I am tired but I like being in control of the wheel incase I need to find a bathroom…NOW. The trip there was fine but I had a bad headache coming on from not eating and felt the nausea starting a bit so I gave in to Therese stopping for lunch. Did fine for the first 30 minutes of walking thru the mall ( I haven’t been in a mall in almost 10 years but had the bathrooms spotted soon after we walked in!) No poop but MAJOR pain on the way home. Took a pill earlier but it didn’t touch it. No poop.


Got a call from an Inn owner this morning. I was highly recommended for a position. To run her cottages this winter while she lives out of town and if I chose to assist her when she is in town. ( I used to have a great working reputation) She is a writer and travels. I said I’d love to then explained my pooping problem. By the time we ended our conversation she thanked me for my honesty but though I may not be able to always be there. Hard to tell a bride ‘hold on just a minute’ while I run to the bathroom for the third time during the ceremony. ( I perform weddings)
I still owe the Art School volunteer hours and it’s envelop stuffing time so didn’t want to eat this morning. If I eat early I take the chance of exploding diarrhea. I don’t want to be running to the bathroom every 4 minutes surrounded by a table of chatty women. If I were alone, not so bad. I made it till from 10 am 3pm when I had to leave. The headache was bad and though way nauseated I had to eat. Serious pain and rumbling all night but no poop.


Major explosion of poop yanked me out of bed and sent me running this morning. 4 times in about 15 minutes. Then it stopped. Had to finish the Art School (just a few hours) then help Frank with his semi monthly bills ( Retired nurse and Vet who I help out as I can. He understands if I am having a bad day) Major nausea, I couldn’t eat the Sub Sandwich Sabina (from the Art School) bought for me. Had Major pain on the way to Franks. Almost had to pull over a few time till it passed. Worked just a bit at Franks and went home to lay down. This kind of pain wears me out. I feel limp and tired.


Another trip to the VA hospital to pick up Rea. Frank let me use his car for the trip. I had to eat even though yesterday food was not my friend. Was ok. I could handle the discomfort. Then on the way home we had to stop by her Doctors. I took Smoke (she wanted him to come along) for a walk out back and thank God for trees because I HAD to go and there was NO WAY I would have made it back up to the office. So, I pooped in the woods. It’s fall and I found a tree with large leaves, no one was around but I was humiliated.
Got Smoke back in the car and went inside. In less than 2 minutes I had to find the bathroom. Another explosion. I lit the candles they had on the sink and hoped that was the last of it. BUT NO….One the way again I made and excuse of needing to pee so I could stop. I barely made it to the bathroom when a severe bout began. I don’t know how long I was in there but it took a while and when I came out the girls asked if I was ok. I had looked in the mirror and my face was red n sweaty. I tried to freshen up before I went out of the bathroom but I guess it didn’t help much. Rea handed me $20 for gas giving me the excuse to stop one more time. I was ok for a while then had one more explosion at Therese house. (She lives down the drive way form Rea and wanted me to stop in and give her and up date on her condition).

Sunday 12/10
More later. It’s after 6pm. Just had a small bowl of pasta and Italian dressing. Hurting a bit again so I am going to call it quits and lay down to read in hopes it won’t get worse. After a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast I started hurting so bad I couldn’t go with Richard to a Holiday open house we had planned on attending. I hate always missing things. Especially when we have plans together. With all he does for me company is the least I can give him. He was really disappointed but understood. He knows when I am hurting even if I try not to let him.

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