Saturday, March 14, 2009

another day 2008

I had about 4 slices of melba toast for dinner Friday night. Nauseated and hurting. Had to meet a friend for lunch as she had left her cell phone charger here last weekend and was driving over an hour to meet me part way. Thought I was safe ordering the special as I could eat the veggies and take the ck fried steak home to Richard to eat. Before I had the second bite of green beans in my mouth I had a pain like the last stages of labor pains…..w/no epidural! The look on Pegs face meant it showed on my face. As it continued I tried to do a better job of hiding it. Peg couldn’t eat the bad fish she ordered to changed to a not any better BLT. Buy the time lunch was done and we went ½ mile down the road to the nursery for Pegs spring garden wish list I was not only in pain but felt the shit ready to shoot out my ass. Panic hit when I found out the nursery had no restrooms, even the employees had to go across the highway to the gas station. Oh God, Oh God! All I could do was start praying that I made it back to tell Peg in time and that we got to her car in time and then PLEASE let me make it running through the stations continent store and DEAR GOD DON’T LET ANYBODY BE IN MY WAY! And….EXPLOSION!
I had to stay there a few minutes and felt like a limp noodle when I could finally walk out.
I had to go home after that and lay down. Little Steven had been insisting it was time to spend the night and his mom was going out of town . I was so wiped out that Richard went to pick up the boy. We watched various children videos the next few days and napped on the couch. He had a bit of a sinus cold so thank goodness he wasn’t real active. I ate bananas and granola bars and Steven learn quick to keep the little cars out of my path to the bathroom.
Was afraid to eat anything this morning because I had errands to run for Frank who lets me use his spare car. Got spacey and had to eat about 1pm regardless of only being ½ way through……had a few bits of chicken brest and it hit again. Hard pain and got to go NOW! I stopped 3 times in a 10 mile trip to poop. I KNOW WHERE ALL THE LOCAL PUBLIC RESTROOMS ARE.
When I limped into Franks house I had to go again. I am at home resting…and hurting….hoping I won’t have to wipe my sore ass again today. I need chap stick for my butt.

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