Friday, September 3, 2010

Hard Nausea today

Out of bed about 7am feeling just, okay.
Keep getting cold sweat flashes as the morning goes on. (9:50am now). Q called yesterday telling me our friend whose husband passed away 2 weeks ago was having a bad day and needed 'the girls' around. Knowing I was going almost cause me to FOG OUT. Just the worried of, 'I need to say the right thing'...'I am there to HELP her'...Don't say anything that will make her cry more'...'How can I make her smile again'...this simple worry made me regret the time coming to leave. Q picks me up and we have a good chat with T.P. (she really is a strong woman considering her loss) and then they suggest dinner. I panic on the inside for a minute until we decided to fix burgers there in her home (I don't do restaurants much, not REAL food control) I ate more than ½ and was doing fine. Had a few twangs of someone is grabbing a fist full of intestines, twisting and yanking all at once. But, instead of lasting hours it was just off and on for about 30 minutes then I was fine. Started getting the bloated, tummy destined, like my belly is covered in armor. I was thank full to get home when I did as the drive brought on a bit of nausea but I was able to lay down and the world was right again.
'Movements' the last few days have been spotty and pinky finger thin. No explosion yet but my insides are gurgling again today so we'll see how goes it.
10:31am Just having tea so far this morning but cramping started. Maybe if I have an explosion (I hate them) it will ease up a bit.
Tuna at 1:40. My wrist pain was bad trying to use the opener. Rain is coming I can feel it in my bones. My feet, back and hands have that deep bone throb and my neck is acting up. (car accident in late 90's cracked several vertebrate and it nags me still.)
1:57 Cramping around tummy.
2:15 Hate the confusion. I get lost in my own mind. Getting a whole project finished is impossible. I start say, cleaning the bedroom and pick up something that belongs in another room. While putting it in it's place say in the bathroom, I start a project there totally blanking out the unfinished bedroom. Grrrrrrrrr. I get so frustrated the desire to even get up and DO SOMETHING has got up and went.
3:15 Very sharp low pain...laid down a bit till it eased up.

Friday TODAY 10:06 am
Didn't write yesterday...had an ok day except for running to the bathroom and having to change poop streaked panties once. But, only once!
Woke up with poop running as fast as pee this morning @ 6:30 am. Nausea hit about 8am an has been hammering ever since. Can't take a pill as a friend has dropped off his car for my use while he is out of state for the long weekend. He lives about 20 miles from here and I will be driving back and forth today taking care of his dog/house sitting. My roommate (Richard) is working a sale so I am also house sitting and taking care of his animals. I am NOT looking forward to all this driving today, of all days to get slammed with nausea.
I'll be spending the nights there (a bit anxious about that) so I'll try to post from his computer. If not, I'll transfer from my journal later.

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