Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Not bad today. I am home, home, home. Paul returned last evening and I am HOME. Yesterday I had a few hard pains but nothing that a 20 minute break didn't take care of. This morning I had a poop that would have made Dr. Oz proud. First time in 4 months I pooped what would be considered normal. Now mind you yesterday I even had catfish and french fries. I stay away from fried and greasy foods because it can cause a bad intestinal reaction. Who needs a laxative when coffee or greasy foods can cause an eruption in my colon that would make Old Faithful look like a drippy faucet. I got lucky yesterday. A friend bought me lunch on the way home and insisted the cat fish special was what I should have...she was paying so...I got lucky, really. I worried a bit the rest of the ride home but relaxed once here. I was good to sleep in my own bed.
Had a bit of a fuzzy fog spell this morning. I just sat down and tried to remember to breath right. It passed before long.

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