Monday, May 19, 2008

Posting here and there.

I write as I can find the time to sit, think and type. Off and on during the day, night I will come to the computer and jot down a line or two. Blog a line or so. Up and down doing this and that. Trying to get caught up on house keeping ( I hate doing dishes) blaze through the pile of cloths to be put away and suck up the spiders webbing all about. Dust? I've got plenty and if you don't move the million nic nacks about on the shelves you won't see the layers of it that lay through out.
I multi task. At least thats what I call it, going from room to room with 1/2 finished jobs in each one. Finding this to do and that must be done all about me. My head is too tired to truly focus and the day is just begun. I have yet to do the weekly shopping for a retired friend I help care for. Having to leaving the house for part of the afternoon doesn't make me feel like I have a day off.
I can't work full time due to chronic colon trouble, so I take odd jobs as I can. I have not being able to contribute like I could before and that add to my dismay. I hate being dependent on anyone else. I have always pulled my own weight and usefully carried a soul or two with me along the way. Now with little income and no health insurance my ego is NOT and my self worth is often at question.
I am so not the pity me, whinny type person that can drain the sunshine with a sigh. Ask my friend, they think I am obsessively sweet and cheery. Forever looking on the bright side, finding the good in whatever happens. Tomorrows a new day kinda gal, that's who they'd say I am. But that is so not how I feel.

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