Saturday, April 27, 2013

Enough gas today to lift a fleet of hot air balloons and keep them afloat for a full day of adventure!I swear I can feel everything I eat slowly moved through my body from first swallow to final poop.Mind you a good poop would be such a joy right now. This is one of those times that a full bottle of liquid magnesium and 3 days of suppositories with still no true relief. Prunes as snacks and prune juice to drink. Ginger to help inflammation and nausea and I may have to fall back on the dreaded pain meds at bedtime yet again tonight...hate the pill hangover the next day. Using wood heat is a blessing when it come to cost vs savings but when I feel like my own natural gas explosion is about to happen at any(surprising)time bringing in logs to keep warm is a bitch. The rain has been here for as many days as the constant rumbling in my belly, but April showers bring May flowers!!!'s almost May!! Looking forward to some flower picking pain free days.

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