Sunday, May 5, 2013

Well the last week has been interesting and even historical, with it snowing in May, in the state of Arkansas for the first time in recorded history. I had to stop the prunes n prune juice for a day or 2 but am back for fear of binding up my insides again. I've found that eating a bowl of fiber cereal ,just before bed helps things the next day. I just have to REALLY watch when thing are flowing that it doesn't go over board creating a volcanic reaction of the poop kind! I used to be able to work and I loved volunteering. Just a few days ago an artist friend needed help (use of my truck) getting an art piece installed in our park
I had to be up at 4:30am and knew I couldn't eat for fear of having to rush to find a bathroom, with non being open downtown at that hour. Unfortunately that didn't stop the gas and gas has a tendency to allow more than hot air to pass. It was like I wet my pantie when I sneeze, that little dribble you can't control, only, it wasn't urine that came out my ares. I totally relate to a cranky baby that is fussing because their little butt is chapping from crap not cleaned away, right away. It wasn't enough to stain my outerwear thankfully but enough to make the last few hours a pain in the get it. I got home about 12:30pm and felt like a child when I saw the large brown stain in my undies. Thankful at the same time that I had worn layers and good perfume so the 'old lady poop' smell didn't reach the nasal passages of the dozen people, including news team, photographers, police escort and the like. I was nauseated from not eating and couldn't eat until I got some work done because of the weather coming.I had wood to move (my only source of heat) and a brooding hen (sitting on 14 eggs)to make a protection for not to mention the jungle of plants I had to bring in....snow, in May, in Arkansas....REALLY!? The sun is out for the first time in days but I've thankfully been at home with a clear path to the bathroom...ok, I stepped on the cats tail once while sprinting to the loo but no animal was harmed in the long run and no long 'runs' of brown down my leg so I considered those days a success. No real pain for almost a week....knock on wood...and THAT alone is something to be happy about.( I don't count the minutes of cramping as reaction of eating most any food, as long as it doesn't continue) Off to find my prunes to snack on...only had to run twice so far today!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

I have more gas in my gut than a pack of Great Pyrenees dogs invited in to the factory by Duke@Bushes Beans for a bottomless bowl of beans fest.
Playing mindless computer games waiting for the pain pill to kick in so I can go to bed...looking forward to a sunny tomorrow.

Enough gas today to lift a fleet of hot air balloons and keep them afloat for a full day of adventure!I swear I can feel everything I eat slowly moved through my body from first swallow to final poop.Mind you a good poop would be such a joy right now. This is one of those times that a full bottle of liquid magnesium and 3 days of suppositories with still no true relief. Prunes as snacks and prune juice to drink. Ginger to help inflammation and nausea and I may have to fall back on the dreaded pain meds at bedtime yet again tonight...hate the pill hangover the next day. Using wood heat is a blessing when it come to cost vs savings but when I feel like my own natural gas explosion is about to happen at any(surprising)time bringing in logs to keep warm is a bitch. The rain has been here for as many days as the constant rumbling in my belly, but April showers bring May flowers!!!'s almost May!! Looking forward to some flower picking pain free days.

Been a while...

I will try again to do better at keeping this journal if for no other reason but to vent a bit now and then about the aggravation of Crohn's and it's effects on daily life,but to also use as a gauge of how it 'runs it's course' through the weeks/months/years.

Flocks of love to ya!