Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lite nausea this morning but I got some dishes done and egg salad made for a funeral tomorrow. Richard may have to go alone as the nausea hit hard a bit ago. Went most of the day not bad. Had to sit before making some meat balls. Lots of pain in my anise. At a few carrot stick this morning and was hungry after making the meat balls. Had 2 and regret it.Nausea bad. Going to take a pill and go to bed. It's only 9pm. Would rather be doing dishes!...and I hate doing dishes.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here we go again

Started out soo good for the first 45 minutes this morning then a coughing fit (allergies) ends up bringing on nausea. Going to try to sit still foe a while to see if it passes. It's such a lovely day outside I'd like to at least get the laundry started. Richard carries it to the washer for me and brings it in the house when dry as sometimes just lifting can cause nausea to come on, odd huh! I don't lift much anyway especially days when poop is prevalent (ok, thats pretty much everyday). I've pick up Richards fat cat and messed my britches so anything heavier is out of the question.
Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't have to take a pill and ruin this sunny day with a foggy brain.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Well I would have been happy with sluggish. I hate wasting a day but I really would have been happy with sluggish. Nausea hit early evening after eating and screwed up what would have been a nice night chatting with Richard and watching TV. As it was I had to lay down to get comfortable and finally took a pill about 9pm. Fought the grogginess that always comes with phennagrin trying to be awake when Jay Leno came on..saw some of it but it's all a fog.
My stomach feels empty and hollow but I can't eat, don't want to screw up the day already. Just a cup or tow of hot tea with mint from the patch growing out front. It's a sunny day, lets see if we can get some stuff done now.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hurtin but hangin in there. I hate to keep writing about the same old thing but sometimes thats just the way it feels.
Today started out ok. Sluggish from yesterdays nausea but happy the only pain was after eating and I was able to lay down being at home. Didn't get much done in the way of house keeping. Thought today was gonna be ok, started out with very lite nausea, still isn't much, not enough to take a pill, ate a bit for lunch and got bloated, hurting.
Glad to be home. Last week was in Tulsa and out of my phennergrn nausea meds, not a good trip! Richard got my script refilled and had it waiting for me. Guess the sluggish could be from all that.
I don't get tierd of fighting this, per-say, it's the fight that gets the house clean or creates a good day out of the fog of nausea, pain or direhhia, I just get worn out here and there. Down days, lost time. THats what the worst part of all is, lost time.
Don't feel like typing this, petting the cat, doing the dishes or's all too HEAVY to do.
I'd rather be haveing a day where I hurt like a sonofabitch but I can plow through it and get whatever project at the time compleated. Days like today are slug days,feel like druged days. Lost days. Good for nothing days, just getting to the next good day to come day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I cursed myself

Grand!Just grand! The day I posted last I went to bed with such pain I couldn't get up and walk to the livingroom to my purse for my med's. Labor in it's 18th hour was a cake walk compaired to that pain. Nausea all day saturday to the point it could barley talk and again last night with the pain. I had to double up on the pain meds just so I could fall asleep and try to snoze through it all. So far today no pain but the nausea is learking behinda very thin vail waiting to hit hard.
Folding cloths and trying to keep my mind off it all.
Serenity now!
Serenity now!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Doing ok!

Same old thing. Not hurting much the last week. Sharp pain here and there but over in a few minutes. Only had to take a few nausea pills. Happy to say tho I haen't felt like writing , I am doing ok!

Flocks of love to ya!