Thursday, April 16, 2009

up to date and back home

Not a bad day altogether. Yesterday I could have been the spokes person for the national nausea association but today even after eating has been well. Now to get caught up a bit as to why I have been so long in writing/posting.
The day of my last posting I received a 911 call from the girls in Oklahoma. They were over whelmed with trying to merge dogs, rebuild a house and deal with a live in worker left to them by their late mother Carolyn.(My good friend) The whole time I was there I was nauseated. For 2 days I just had to stay in bed for the pain but they still make me feel like I help when I am there. We talk a lot. I think they miss the ‘Mom opinion’ in lifes daily yada. I drove home for my birthday. So nauseated and in pain, not taking my meds because of the 3 hour drive. Now, what do I pull up to when I get home? Dear Richard coming out the door, smiling sweetly welcoming me home…followed by 6 puppies. While working he’d found 6 abandoned puppies, 1 with a hole in his eye and of course came to their rescue by bringing them home, via the vet. Mind you he couldn’t pay the mortgage but the puppies must be saved and he said go for it when the vet explained the wounded ones eye must be removed resulting in a bill over $400.
Several time I thought of updating but picking up puppies poop with the nausea I’ve had (been to cold to have them outside all night) limited ALL my activities. Richard set up for a roadside sale and I took all 6 in a box in hopes of finding homes. Heaven be praised it worked. Even Popeye the 1 eyed wonder has a new home although we would have happily kept him. All were paper trained before they left and I still love the smell of puppy breath…you can keep the poop. So I was going back to help the girls on Sunday when I received a call Saturday afternoon that a friend had been in a car accident. As it has happened I finished packing my bags and came 12 miles west to camp out with Paul’s son James. (Very bright 15 year old) So, Paul as it turned out ran over himself with his car. He’d arrived home after running the many errands for his honeymoon cabin rental business. Hoping put of the car he was happily hurrying to let Carla his black Shepard out of her pen when he realized it was slowly rolling backwards. About the time he realized that though his last girlfriend called him superman the hand he had on the hatch back was NOT going to stop the now moving faster car! Losing his footing on the gravel he sat on his butt and serially watched the car roll over his legs. Thank god he had his cell phone and called for help. They air flighted him out to a hospital about an hour and half away. If the fractures and internal bleeding in his legs weren’t bad enough for the average Joe, Paul had deep vain phlambrosie. Just bumping his legs or getting a bruise can cause a blood cot that can threaten his life. With the medicine he was taking (blood thinners) they’ve had to wait to do surgery and rebuild hit foot. We are relieved the internal bleeding in the other leg had decreased and the swelling is finally going down. So, instead of being in Oklahoma away from home I am here, away from home

6:30 am

Hard to fall asleep last night. The lower part of my abdomen felt like it was full of bubbles. Not in a gassy way like the rumbling I often get after eating. More like cement filled balloons making my body feel hard and uncomfortable. Tramadol didn’t help nor a night time pm pill. I tossed and turned most of the night dropping off about 2 something. Up early getting James ready and down the road to the buss stop for school. Hope this balloon feeling goes away before we leave for the hospital and Paul’s surgery.

7:50 am
Not bad so far after toast and tea. Don’t hurt enough to need a pill. Doing laundry and light cleaning. The furniture will need rearranging before Paul returns home. We’ll need more wheelchair space and a comfortable place for him to sit with his feet up.
9:45 am
Starting to cramp and feel the diherria moving its way around. Haven’t had to run to the bathroom the last few days and I hope that doesn’t change on the way to, or at the hospital this afternoon. I wouldn’t have chanced the toast earlier but I had to eat something or my stomach would have sued for abandonment.

1:30 pm
Bad panty day.
Didn’t feel like dinner last night. A lovey chicken and veggie skillet meal James made for his girlefirnd and I. I don’t remember the 15 year old boys being such romantics! He bought her a card for no reason and put it buy her plate too! What a sweetie. I had a cup of yogart about 9:30 pm and was sleeping by 10.
Drove to the bus stop and had to change panties in the gas station bathroom. Mind you all I had was a sip of tea this morning. Nausea set in about an hour after I arose and knowing I had to pick up a friend at the airport (an hour ½ from here) so I knew not to eat. Still, again in the airport I didn’t make it and had to trash a pair of panties. One more time having to rush trying to unlock the door and I didn’t make it. 3 steps into the house I felt my bowls win the battle and blow a brown slimey volcano into my jeans.( I was out of panties by then). Doing laundry now trying to get my energy up to clean the kitchen. I am chilly too. Mant to mention that. When I have the diarrhea I get cold/chilled easy. Not a problem in the summer time but really rotten in the winter.

6:45 am
Woke up running to the bathroom with slimy diarrhea and dry heaves. Great way to start what looks to be a very busy day. Paul is being sent home from the hosipital today. His house is not really wheelchair accessible and the big risk to him is infection. If any infection sets in they will have to removed the leg below the knee. I really don’t know how we are going to manage. Paul is a big man, helping him in/out of bed or going to the bathroom will be impossible for me. James has school and I have no idea who can help during the day.

Monday 6:38 am
Woke up through out the night with a stabbing pain in my butt. Not as hard a pain as it could have been but enough to wake me up several times disturbing my sleep.
Had a bit of pn off and on yesterday. Overall not bad and thank the heavens no bad diarrhea. Paul is doing ok in his recovery. No wheelchair, as a matter of fact, a walker! He can’t put weight on the broken foot but his left leg, still very badley bruised all over was thankfully not broken.. Suffering from sever pain in the right broken leg yet doing very well considering.. He had a restless morning about 4 am with cold sweats. I was happy to see him sleep on the couc for an hour or so after moving him to the livingroom.
Tom, Richards brother (my brother in common law) will be released from the hosipital this evening where he was sent with severe back and stomach pain. Seems he has a fracture from a beating he took about 10 years ago by his wifes boyfriend. Sounds like a soap opera you say? That’s my life!
10:10 am
Had a bite of bagel and juice 20 minutes ago. Good day so far, no pain or poop!
Not a bad day for me so far but Paul is a bit restless still. He’s taking a nap now and Richard stopped buy and buit a fire in the fireplace to help warm Paul up. We know the blood thinner makes him chill easily but he can’t get warm today. I on the other hand have on a short sleved shirt and rolles up my pants long shedding my shoes sand socks. The fireplace is in a back room, where I am sleeping as a matter of fact, and quite toasty to say the least. I’ve fans blowing everywhere forcing the hot air into the front of the house hopeing to warm Paul up a bit. Almost time to run to the bus stop for James…more later.
9:30 pm
About an hour ago I started having pain in my ars hole again. Pain to the point that I had to set the pot of rice down quickly and run to lay down A.S.A.P. It didn’t stop until just a bit ago, 40 minutes after taking a 10mg flexeril. It’s at least down to a dull pain now but geeze that hurts!!
Hope it lets me sleep with out more medicine.

9:30 pm
Get to stay in a cabin tonight because Pauls Uncle Bill has come for a visit. Just watched a movie and feeling like the but achs are gonna start soon. Going to lay down and try to get a good night sleep.

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Flocks of love to ya!